PAHrtners Deaf Services was established in Pennsylvania in 2001. We offer a wide range of behavioral, developmental and therapeutic support programs to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in an environment free of cultural or language barriers. The individuals we serve have behavioral health needs and/or intellectual disabilities. Most of our staff members are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Therefore, nearly all PAHrtners employees are fluent in American Sign Language and versed in Deaf culture.
PAH has two locations. Our headquarters is in the eastern portion of the state near Philadelphia while our satellite location near Pittsburgh focuses on serving the western side of the state. Services vary by location.
We provide community based behavioral and mental health programs for individuals who utilize sign language as their primary mode of communication. Services include supportive living programs, outpatient therapy, psychiatric evaluations, medication management, case management, day programs and community participation supports. Funding varies by program. For Pennsylvania residents funding typically comes through a Pennsylvania county, Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs, a Pennsylvania Managed Care Organization or private insurance.
PAHrtners Deaf Services is a division of RHA Health Services. Founded in 1989, RHA began as a small provider of support services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in North Carolina. Over the years, RHA has expanded to include a broad range of disability services and continue to add other types of services across multiple states to meet communities’ needs. RHA has also added high-quality behavioral health services to support people with a wide variety of mental health and substance use needs as well as support services for those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.